Saturday, July 5, 2014

2014 Update

Hey, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I'm posting video movie pitches on Twitter. I'm only posting ideas for established franchises and this is mostly just for fun. However, I figure if the right people see my pitches, it might lead to a job.

My first pitch is for what I think would make a great "Ghostbusters 3". You can look forward to seeing more movie pitches here: themoviepitcher

In other news, I've just gotten done scoring the soundtracks to 2 short films. One of them, "The Calling" (directed by Sahil Sharma), premiered at The Thompson House in Newport, Kentucky last month. I actually played a small role in the film as a ghost! The other film, "Clever Girl" (directed by Paul Zappa) has yet to be released. I assisted the main composer, Kip Bennett, with the score.

Hope you enjoy my GB3 pitch and are having a great summer! Cheers!