Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lost: In Sequence

Back when "Lost" was still airing, I edited the first 4 seasons to play out in order, front to back, eliminating the flashback/flashforward storytelling style "Lost" was so famous for. I've chosen the plane crash sequence (and the complicated series of events that led up to it) to post here. These scenes were scattered throughout the first few seasons. I've simply edited them together to reveal how events happened in real time. Namaste and enjoy the video!

(PS: Yes, that is "Star Wars" music you're hearing at some parts during the video. I love mixing the 2 franchises together, even editing the "Star Wars" saga in a "Lost" format, letting the original trilogy play out while inserting prequel scenes in as flashbacks. Thank you to John Williams and Michael Giacchino!)

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