Thursday, July 12, 2012

Welcome To Grotefilm

Cheers! My name is Derek Grote. Welcome to my new site! I've been making movies and music since I was little, and want this blog to serve as a place to present some of my work to you. Recently, I've been involved with a rock band, The Protesters, and working on a few screenplays as well. However, this site will mostly consist of my own film, editing, and soundtrack work. I also act occasionally and even hosted a local public access review show, "In Case You Missed It". I'm a graduate of The Recording Workshop of Ohio and have contributed music to local film soundtracks. I've also helped out on the set as a boom mic operator on a few of my friend's productions. Currently, I work as a projectionist at a local movie theater, learning the old school method of splicing and editing film. I hope you enjoy my work!

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